Healthy Acadia

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Ways to Give: Legacy Giving

Grow your legacy with a bequest to Healthy Acadia.

Contributed by Sara Willett, Development Communications Coordinator,

There are so many ways to support Healthy Acadia, including by joining our Healthy Legacy Giving Community. One easy way to do this is by building a bequest to Healthy Acadia into your will, trust or estate planning or by naming Healthy Acadia as a life insurance, retirement, bank, stock account or other asset beneficiary. Your gift can be customized to fit your needs. However you choose to set this up, you can be confident that you are making a positive and lasting impact on the health of our community.

Through your planful giving, you can leave a legacy of a stronger community with more healthy resources. 

Now more than ever, your support means a great deal - you can make a difference for today, tomorrow and our future. Your action today can advance health and wellbeing in our community in the long term. 

Whatever approach is the most meaningful for you, we would love to help you shape a planned giving strategy that will be a powerful personal and community influence for the future.

To learn more about leaving a legacy and including Healthy Acadia in your planning, please visit:

P.S. If you’ve been thinking of making a will, perhaps now’s the time! Did you know that August is National Make-A-Will Month? A Will is important regardless of age and it protects your loved ones. A will is also a way to leave a lasting legacy. If you are interested in learning more about making a will please visit: