Healthy Acadia

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Safe medication storage and disposal helps keep communities safe

Most people who misuse prescription drugs report getting them from family, friends, and acquaintances. If you have prescription or over-the-counter medications in your home, it is essential to store them securely and to properly dispose of any medicine that is expired, unwanted, or no longer needed.

Keeping unused or expired prescription medications at home can pose risks. Safe disposal practices can help protect our families, communities, and environment. You can make a difference by keeping track of the medicine you have, reconsidering where and how you store your medications at home and safely disposing of any unused medications.

For the last 20 years, the DEA has been organizing National Drug Take Back Day events in the spring and fall to provide a safe, convenient, and anonymous way for people to dispose of unused or expired prescription medications. On April 22, 2023, law enforcement agencies throughout the United States will hold Drug Take Back events in many communities, offering free and anonymous service for the safe disposal of prescription and over-the-counter medicines.

If you cannot attend a take-back event in your area, you can find other safe drug disposal options, including prescription drug drop boxes. For a list of drop box locations in Hancock and Washington counties, click here. For information on recovery resources, such as recovery coaching, harm reduction tools, and accessing medication-assisted treatment, please visit

You can make a difference by keeping track of the medicine you have, by rethinking where and how you keep your medications in your home, and by safely disposing of any unused medications.  Click here for more ways to secure your meds and safely dispose of them at home.

Thank you for doing your part to keep our communities safe!