Healthy Acadia

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Safe Harbor Residents Explore Budget-Friendly Tips for Healthy Eating

The residents at Safe Harbor are embarking on a journey towards healthier eating habits through a series of 10 Tips Food Classes led by Shannon Cherry, a member of our Maine SNAP-Ed Nutrition Education team.

The 10 Tips Nutrition Education Series, designed by Maine SNAP-Ed, aims to support healthy eating on a budget for all Mainers. In these classes, Safe Harbor residents are learning practical ways to increase their consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins while managing their food budgets effectively.

Under Shannon’s guidance, residents are exploring various strategies to stretch their food dollars and make nutritious meals. They're experimenting with some pretty tempting dishes in the Safe Harbor kitchen - smoothie bowls brimming with vibrant colors and flavors, kale salads infused with the nutty goodness of quinoa, noodles in a hearty peanut sauce, and velvety homemade hummus - all aimed at incorporating fiber-rich foods into their diets.

These classes not only provide valuable nutritional knowledge but also foster a sense of community and culinary exploration among Safe Harbor residents. They extend their sincere appreciation to Shannon Cherry for sharing her expertise and passion for food with them.

In the Safe Harbor community, a newfound enthusiasm for healthy eating is taking root, thanks to the guidance of Maine SNAP-Ed and the dedication of Shannon Cherry. Together, they're paving the way for a healthier, happier future, one meal at a time.

Healthy Acadia’s Maine SNAP-Ed Nutrition Educators offer year-round cooking and nutrition classes in partnership with schools and organizations throughout Hancock and Washington counties. To learn more or schedule a class, contact Mandy ( or Shannon ( in Washington County; in Hancock County, contact Isi ( or Abby (