Healthy Acadia

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Community Input Needed by June 28

The Maine Shared Community Health Needs Assessment (Maine Shared CHNA) invites you to participate in their statewide survey. The survey takes about ten minutes to complete and will be open through June 28, 2024.

The information you share will help the Maine Shared CHNA better understand the health and well-being of people living in Maine and their communities. The survey is part of a larger community health needs assessment, which includes focus groups, interviews, and data analysis. The results will be combined and used to inform a health and well-being prioritization process, leading to the development of health improvement and strategic plans.

Use this link to access the survey:

The Maine Shared Community Health Needs Assessment is a collaborative effort of Central Maine Healthcare, MaineGeneral, MaineHealth, Northern Light Health, the Maine CDC, and the Maine Community Action Partnership.  

For more information, email