Healthy Acadia

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Welcome, Chase Crossman

Please join us in welcoming Chase Crossman to the Healthy Acadia team! 

Chase joins our Emergency Housing Supports Team as support staff for our seasonal overnight warming center, located at Healthy Acadia’s INSPIRE Recovery Community Center in Ellsworth.

Support staff at the seasonal overnight warming center provide a warm and welcoming place for guests and connect them to additional community resources such as food pantries, recovery coaching, warm clothing, and other social supports. Our team supports people by building trust, listening, and collaborating with community partners.

Chase, what prompted you to join the Healthy Acadia team?

Healthy Acadia has interested me for the last few years because I enjoy helping people in worse situations than me. I think the Warming Center is a great way to give to the community.

What most inspires you about Healthy Acadia's work? 

I think something that really interests me about the work is constantly meeting people and being able to help them even if it’s just a quick chat, or it could be needing to get them more resources.

What most inspires you on a personal level?

I think what inspires me most is knowing the struggles I have faced, such as addiction and struggling to find a place to lay my head. I was always fortunate enough to have great people around me to make sure I did not freeze or go without any of my basic needs. Some people aren't that lucky so I'm glad this group of people are willing to give back to the ones struggling.

What is your favorite thing to do, or place to be, in Maine, and why?

My favorite thing to do in Maine is hunt waterfowl on the coast! I love to hunt, hang out with my peers, and help out anyone I can.

Chase currently resides in Ellsworth. Connect with Chase at