Healthy Acadia

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COVID-19 News and Updates

Hello all,

Nina Duggan here with the latest COVID-19 news and updates. This week we will be discussing the state of COVID-19 in Maine, and further updates on BA.5.

COVID in the News:

State of COVID-19 in Maine

Cases are going up once more throughout the United States, with Maine at about an 8% positivity rate. There has been a 17% rise in hospitalizations this month, with 121 people hospitalized in Maine. Maine is currently an area of high transmission, along with 90% of the United States. Though New England is generally faring better, masking and other best COVID practices are strongly recommended at this time.

Update On The BA.5 Variant

As of last week, wastewater testing showed that the BA.5 variant makes up roughly 60% of all cases in the United States. A trend that is showing at this time is that due to the prevalence of variants, like BA.5 and others, many cases being reported are re-infections. Effectively those who got COVID earlier this year are no longer protected by the immunity gained during that period because the virus has mutated. The multitude of mutations, coupled with a comparably low vaccination rate (the United States currently sits at number 67 globally for vaccination behind Sri Lanka and Rwanda), is making for the current summer surge we are seeing. Though BA.5 is showing a greater ability to evade immunity from vaccination, the vaccines are still offering good protection from severe illness and death, with hope that a variant specific vaccine will be available in the fall months. Experts strongly urge that if you are over 50 or immunocompromised and have not received a vaccination in 2022 to get vaccinated and boosted now. Experts are further watching the BA.2.75 variant emerging in India as a variant of concern, but there is not yet enough information on this variant to make further advisements. 

Featured in the Field:

Those Nerdy Girls (@Dear_Pandemic)

Those Nerd Girls hosts an array of social media content produced by a volunteer team of female PhDs and MDs curating COVID-19 and science content.

You can find them at their website, on Facebook, and Instagram.

Thanks again everyone for checking in this week. Stay safe, and remember to take care of each other. ~ Nina

Nina Duggan is Healthy Acadia’s COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Project Coordinator. They share weekly updates about COVID-19 in the state of Maine and beyond, along with resources you may find useful on testing, vaccination, and best practices in preventative measures. 

Sign up here to receive Nina’s weekly updates via email.

Follow Healthy Acadia on TikTok (@healthyacadia) for more updates!

If you or anyone you know have questions or concerns about COVID-19 or the available vaccines please call or text our COVID-19 Peer Support Line at 207-271-6023, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.