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Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics CCBHCs Info Session Planned for July 21

Guest post submitted by Malory Otteson Shaughnessy, MPPM, Executive Director

Alliance for Addiction and Mental Health Services, Maine & Maine Behavioral Health Foundation

A Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) is a specially-designated clinic that provides a comprehensive range of mental health and substance use services.

Providers, folks with lived-experience, legislators, DHHS staff, and any or all who may be interested in learning more about this new system of care are invited to a virtual information session on Thursday, July 21, 2022, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

The CCBHC model alleviates decades-old challenges that have led to a crisis in providing access to mental health and substance use care.

As an integrated and sustainably-financed model for care delivery, CCBHCs:

  • Ensure access to integrated, evidence-based substance use disorder and mental health services, including 24/7 crisis response and medication-assisted treatment (MAT).

  • Meet stringent criteria regarding timeliness of access, quality reporting, staffing and coordination with social services, criminal justice and education systems.

  • Receive funding to support the real costs of expanding services to fully meet the need for care in their communities.

CCBHCs have dramatically increased access to mental health and substance use disorder treatment, expanded states’ capacity to address the overdose crisis and established innovative partnerships with law enforcement, schools and hospitals to improve care, reduce recidivism and prevent hospital readmissions.

Recognizing the promise of the CCBHC model, Congress in 2020 expanded the original eight-state Medicaid demonstration program to include additional states, and since 2018 has appropriated grant funding to support CCBHC readiness. Today, more than 450 CCBHCs are operating in 42 states, plus Guam. Maine has joined this growing list of states and now has 4 CCBHC grantees.

Maine, like a growing number of states, is exploring the implementation of the model – similar to other value-based or alternative payment models – independently via a state plan amendment or Medicaid waiver.

Please join us and share this invitation widely so we can get a diverse group of attendees for a robust discussion.

Please use this registration link below to access the zoom link for our virtual CCBHC education session on

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

YouTube video about CCBHCs here.